If Your Pup Has Anxiety It May Be a Dietary Issue


There are many causes for anxiety in humans and pets but the more research they do on gut microbiome the more the more they are finding out about the gut brain connection. So if you have a stressed out pup diet may be another tool you can use to help alleviate their anxiety


Nearly 30 percent of dogs may exhibit signs of anxiety, which may include excessive barking, trying to escape, excessive energy, destructive behaviors and even aggression.1

  • Increased intake of omega-3 fats had a calming effect on anxious dogs and led to improvements in behavior
  • Bifidobacterium longum, a type of beneficial bacteria, was effective in reducing anxiety in anxious dogs

For the full article click on the link and here are a few points for your pup



Interesting In Traditional Chinese Medicine ST36 is used to balance out the gut support immune function and help with anxiety . Apparently the TCM practitioners made this connection thousands of years ago.

So ST36 is a key point for point for anxiety and here are a few more to help out.


A Few Points For Your Pooch…

GV 20 point right between her ears.  Clears brain and calms the mind

 HT 7 Pe 7 in the depression between the tendon and the ligament it is a natural depression and pretty easy to find just above the bend in the wrist hold bold sides that is actually 2 points Ht7 and Pe7 this clears the mind and calms the spirit great relaxation point and pups seem to really like this one if you can do both front legs that is great if  they will only let you do one that is ok too…  Great relaxation point clears brain, calms mind …

 *ST 36 find the front of the knee and slide your finger down into the little groove on the lateral side of each knee  This point serves double duty it calms the mind and helps with any kind of physical stress that  produce  anxiety . It is also a great immune point and supports the immune system in case it has been over stressed In addition to that it is great for nauseous, diarrhea  constipation and vomiting  which can be caused by anxiety as well.

Bai Hui At the lumbar sacral space or the universal spot on dogs there is a little dip and it is right before the lumbar spine meets the tail ;   this is a great calming point

 KI 27   found between the sternum and the first rib and 2nd rib two fingers off the ventral midline brings up and releases old issues, great anxiety release point


Points for anxiety blog