So in light of recent events thought some calming points would be helpful for humans and pets
Our pets are highly evolved energetic beings and they feel our emotions very deeply. In addition to that every emotion we have love, anger, sadness, despair, happiness and joy have a distinct smell. So your pup knows exactly what you are feeling. During this time a lot of people are seeking comfort and escape through their pets which is great as that strengthens the human animal bond.
That being said because this is such a stressful time for a lot of people there are two things that may help your pup.
Find your strength, figure out your plan, and send out love to your pets friends , neighbors and humanity, as that will also help your pup. The other thing you can do is play more get outside with your pup play with your cat do something fun to boost your, calm and happy hormones.
A Few Points For Your Pooch
GV20 dorsal midline between the ears there is usually a bump where the point is..revives consciousness clears brain calms mind
GB20 Right behind the skull or occipital bone one finger off the cervical spine on either side in the divots. Also a good relaxation point good point to ease over thinking. Pulls the energy down from the head releases built up heat
GV17 Right behind the skull in between the GB 20 points. Little divot under the bump. Great point to disperse energy and creates calm.
HT7 PE7 In the depression between the tendon and the ligament it is a natural depression and pretty easy to find just above the bend in the wrist. Your fingers will slide in the groove on either side. Hold bold sides that is actually 2 points HT7 and PE7 this clears the mind and calms the spirit great relaxation point pulls heat out of the head…
ST 36 find the front of the knee and slide your finger down into the little groove on the lateral side of each knee This point serves double duty it calms the mind and helps with any kind of physical stress that produce anxiety . It is also a great immune point and supports the immune system in case it has been over stressed In addition to that it is great for nauseous, diarrhea constipation and vomiting which can be caused by anxiety as well.
Bai Hui At the lumbar sacral space or the universal spot on dogs there is a little dip and it is right before the lumbar spine meets the tail ; this is a great calming point
KI3 BL60 Top of the hock thin skin your fingers will slide into it on either side it is kind of like our Achilles this is actually two points KI3 and BL60 KI3 In TCM fear is housed in the kidneys so it will help alleviate unnecessary fear. BL 60 is called the aspirin point and is good one to help with any kind of pain or irritation in the body
KI 27 found between the sternum and the first rib and 2nd rib two fingers off the ventral midline brings up and releases old issues, great anxiety release point
Wishing everyone a happy and relaxing day..
For more information or additional points or questions email us at info@reikiforallcreatues .com