A More Natural Way To Protect Your Pup From Mosquitoes

Along with the arrival of warm and humid summer days comes an ever-present annoyance – mosquitoes. Although your dog’s fur or hair offers some protection against mosquito bites, they are still vulnerable especially  their ears and nose. As with humans, a bite from a mosquito can result in everything from an annoying itch to more serious  diseases ie : West Nile Virus, Meningitis  and depending on where you live  heartworm disease can be a primary concern.  A dog’s excessively scratching itself may be the first indication of a mosquito bite. You may want to discourage the scratching if possible , as it can lead to skin infections. Another sign that a dog has been bitten is swelling, which can affect breathing or vision. Some dogs experience allergic reactions to insect bites. Little bumps may appear on a dog’s skin at the site of the bite. They are caused by compounds in mosquito saliva.

Symptoms of heartworm infestation include: fatigue, coughing, enlarged abdomen, vomiting, and weight loss.

Symptoms of West Nile Virus in infected dogs are similar to signs exhibited by horses and include depression, decreased appetite, difficulty walking, tremors, abnormal head posture, circling and convulsions. It is very important to contact your veterinarian if your pet shows any of these signs. There is currently no vaccine available for dogs and cats. The best way to prevent your pet from contracting the virus is to reduce the risk of mosquito bites.

Do not use human mosquito repellent on your pup and never use DEET….

Here are some more natural repellent options for your pup
