Absolutely! Clinical research on the effects of Reiki therapy on a variety of physical and mental disorders in currently underway at several medical centers throughout the U.S. with the assistance of funding from the National Institutes of Health (NIH); Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Published reports have noted a positive effect on pain control, enhanced relaxation, and increased circulation in human research subjects.
Reiki is now widely practiced in the western world particularly in the United States and Europe. Reiki practitioners in these countries can now be found working in hospitals where they assist patients during critical medical procedures.
Dr. Mehmet Oz, who is one of the leading cardiovascular surgeons in the United States was one of the first to include a Reiki practitioner in his department at The Columbia Presbyterian Medical Centre in New York City where he runs the heart assist device program and the Complementary Care Centre. The New York Times Magazine reported that Dr. Oz has allowed the use of Reiki during open heart surgeries and heart transplant operations. Says Dr. Oz: “Reiki has become a sought-after healing art among patients and mainstream medical professionals.
One of the largest hospitals in northern California is the California Pacific Medical Center and here, Dr. Mike Cantwell, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, provides one to three hour-long Reiki sessions. When asked how Reiki helps his patients Cantwell said, “I have found Reiki to be useful in the treatment of acute illnesses such as musculoskeletal injury, pain, headache, acute infections and asthma. Reiki is also useful for patients with chronic illnesses especially those associated with chronic pain.”
Reiki practitioners are also becoming mainstays in delivery rooms in hospitals where Reiki is given to mothers and babies to help alleviate the trauma of the birthing process. Tests conducted at Hartford Hospital in Hartford, Connecticut show that Reiki used during pregnancy reduced anxiety by 94 percent, nausea by 80 percent, pain by 78 percent and improved sleep by 86 percent.
More research and scientific studies are being conducted to further verify the efficacy of Reiki and through the years many hospitals in the west have incorporated Reiki in their programs.