An Antibiotic Buffet Is Creating Super bugs And Resistance In People And Pets

In the US 9.8 BILLION animals are raised for food Based on FDA [Food and Drug Administration] data..

29.9 million pounds of antibiotics were sold for use in meat and poultry production in 2011, representing 80 percent of the total volume of antibiotics sold in the United States for any purpose .

John Hopkins just released a 79 page study on the use and abuse of Antibiotics in farm animals, and the environmental stresses it is causing on our planet and all of its inhabitants. Factory farming needs to be addressed. The results are literally killing or sickening humans and their pets as the majority of people are  eating factory farmed meat and fish…. Not to mention the poor farm animals who are suffering horrible and inhumane abuse in the process.  So read up if you dare…..

John Hopkins Report