Coconut Oil Is Amazing For People and Canines.. Study Shows It Helps With Cognitive Function In Senior Dogs
Coconut oil has amazing healing properties for people and dogs. It is also proving to be a great asset to the health of senior people and dogs.
So another great tool to add to your pets wellness arsenal at any age.
“Coconut: the new “brain food”
“But of all these benefits, my favorite is that coconut oil is scientifically proven to improve brain function in older dogs – findings that have important implications for people and animals.
“In one study, 24 senior Beagles fed a diet supplemented with 5.5% MCTs showed significant improvement in cognitive ability within just one month. The study’s authors concluded that the MCTs (as contained in coconut oil) provided an alternative source of brain energy for the senior dogs”.
Here is a great article from Dr. Jean Dodd so read up and enjoy…
Here are a few points to help as well
Here are the points used un the study that help break down amlyoid protiens in the brain and increase cerebal blood fow . Happy pointing
GV20 dorsal midline between the ears there is usually a bump where the point is
GV14 dorsal midline between the last cervical and first thorasic vertebrae
LI4 front paws between the first and second metacarpal bone at the webbing of the dew claw
Liv3 on the back paws where the inside big toe meets the paw between the 2nd and 3rd metatarsal balances
BL23 1.5 cun lateral to the caudal border of the spinous process of the second lumbar verttabrae or find the last rib and follow it straight up about 1.5 cun off the spine