If Your Pup Gets Car Sick These Points May Help


carsick mast

If you have  a pup that does not do well in the  car,  or has motion sickness or gets a little dizzy  these two points are very beneficial. In addition if your pup has vertigo these points are also a great help.

If car trips are not fun for your pup try doing these points before the ride and if there is a second person in the car possibly during the ride and see if it helps.

Note that any sudden onset of dizziness or staggering should be checked out by your Vet immediately as it may be a far more serious issue than motion sickness …


The choice of acupuncture points is consistent with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) theory. PC6 and ST36 are   indicated for the treatment of nausea, vomiting, hiccups  among other things

Click on the link below as it explains how and why these points work…  It is quite intersting



PC6 is located 2 cun above the transverse wrist crease between the tendons of the palmaris longus and flexor carpi radialis. PC6 is a luo point and a confluent point of the yinwei channel.

ST36 is 3 cun below ST35 and is one finger breadth from the anterior crest of the tibia in the tibialis anterior muscle. Or find the front of the knee and slide your finger down into the little groove on the lateral side of each knee

points for car sickness blog