Is Your Dog Is A Little Stuffy Or Congested Due to Seasonal Allergies ? If So These Points And Tips May Help


Pollen counts on average are elevated this year, which  can create an opportunity for  allergies to become more pronounced for you and your pets.    If you notice your pup is a little snuffy or drippy  you will want to check with your vet first to be sure it isn’t anything serious .

Here is some info and a link from Dr. Becker;

“According to a survey conducted by Novartis Animal Health, over half of pet owners aren’t aware their fuzzy family members can also spend the spring season feeling miserable thanks to pollens and other environmental allergens.

Two Categories of Pet Allergies

There are primarily two types of allergies: food allergies and environmental allergies. If your pet gets itchy during spring, summer or fall, they are probably reacting to seasonal, environmental allergens. But if their symptoms continue year-round, it’s more likely the sensitivity is to something more constant in the  environment, or to something in their diet.”

click on link below for full article and some good tips and supplements

Below are some points to try out on your pup to help alleviate sinus congestion and support the immune system

Acupuncture relieves nasal congestion due to rhinitis. Research published in the Shanghai Journal of Acupuncture  confirms that acupuncture exerts an anti-inflammatory action, enhances immunity, and is effective in the prevention of immunological related disease.

For the full article click below …and scroll down for some good points for your pup…Happy Pointing


Yin Tang   center of the fore head at the medial edge of the eyebrow ridge.
 GV20 dorsal midline between the ears there is usually a bump where the point is
 GB 20 Right behind the skull or occipital bone one finger off the cervical spine on either side in the divots.
LI20 widest part of the nostril in the nasal labial groove ( they may not love this point so approach and use gently)
LI4 on the inside of the dew claw or the bump on the inside of his front paw where a dew claw would be
GV4 On the dorsal midline in the depression between L2 and L3
LI11 In the outside or lateral crease of the elbow.
 St36 Find the front of the knee and slide your finger down into the   little groove on the lateral side of each knee

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