It's Summer Time… Lots Of Running, Jumping and Playing. So If Your Dog Gets Injured After A Jump Or Rough Play It May Be An FCE

So you are out tossing a frisbee with your pup and he lands funny, or your little dog jumps off the couch and tweaks his back… It could be just a strain or something more serious. Most of the time it is just a pulled muscle or spasm or strain, but read the info below:  If it is more serious there are measures you can take to help your pup have the best outcome

FCE’s are more common in large breed male dogs  and little terriers and Shelties. It’s possible an underlying condition common in these breeds called hyperlipidemia, which is a high blood cholesterol level, could be a contributing factor in smaller dogs who acquire the condition..  so just something to be aware of

  • A fibrocartilaginous embolism (FCE) is a blockage in a blood vessel in the spinal cord. When such a blockage occurs, an area of the spinal cord dies.
  • An FCE typically results from an injury to the spinal cord caused by jumping or landing awkwardly. Sometimes vigorous exercise can trigger it. Dog fights, rough play, and any sort of accidental trauma can also lead to an FCE.
  • Fibrocartilaginous emboli are rarely seen in cats and occur most often in large and giant breed male dogs, and also miniature Schnauzers and Shelties between three and six years of age.
  • Symptoms of an FCE can include sudden, severe pain followed by lessening pain after a short period; weakness; partial to full paralysis of a rear limb; and an uncoordinated gait.
  • The recommended treatment for FCE is to begin aggressive physical therapy. Implementing an immediate rehabilitation program is your pet’s very best option for a full recovery and a second chance at life.

Acupuncture or Acupressure, Laser Therapy and definitely water therapy are key to making a full recovery.  So play safe out there…