Update and new trial on Fatty Lipomas

So an update on the Fatty Lipoma article. There is a new trial being done at California Veterinary Specialty Hospital. “The hypothesis is that an injection of Cl histolyticum purified collagenase (enzyme) will cause a rapid and durable reduction in size of canine lipomas”. This is an interesting study and is  in phase II trials  They have had good results which is encouraging and they are using this method on humans with wrist lipomas that inhibit movement. It is an injection but the most non invasive procedure to date.


From a CAM ( Complimentary and Alternative Medicine) approach there is definitely a diet component, as lipomas in TCM are considered a Chi blockage or stagnation caused  the body not being able to get rid of toxins or debris that it no longer needed. Since the body is unable to remove this excess or unwanted material it sweeps it under the rug so to speak. The skin being the rug as it is nearest to the surface and away from the internal organs.

There have also been studies feeding raw food or pure food with minimal to no carbs  that are also  getting good results.   If the phase two trials are as successful as phase I.  Combining this method with a diet change may be the best solution for Canines and Humans . So again another possibility for eastern and western to work together for the overall health of you and your pet.
