Summer Is Here.. Do You Know The Signs Of Heatstroke.. It Could Save Your Pets Life

So it is Summer, and you and your pup are going to go hiking, walking, running and having all sorts of fun adventures. Just be sure to keep your furry  friend cool and avoid over heating as that can have very serious results.  If your pups temperature hits 103 or higher you may have an emergency situation on your hands.

Heat stroke is an emergency and requires immediate treatment. Because dogs do not sweat (except to a minor degree through their foot pads), they do not tolerate high environmental temperatures as well as humans do. Dogs depend upon panting to exchange warm air for cool air. But when air temperature is close to body temperature, cooling by panting is not an efficient process.

  • Common situations that can set the stage for heat stroke in dogs include:
  • Being left in a car in hot weather
  • Exercising strenuously in hot, humid weather
  • Being a brachycephalic breed, especially a Bulldog, Pug, or Pekingese
  • Suffering from a heart or lung disease that interferes with efficient breathing
  • Being confined on concrete or asphalt surfaces
  • Being confined without shade and fresh water in hot weather
  • Having a history of heat stroke

To avoid this be sure to pay close attention to your dog, watch for excessive panting and pay close attention to  the color of your dogs tongue. If your dogs tongue is bright red slow down and cool him off ASAP. Always be sure to have lots of water on hand to make sure you and your pup are well hydrated

If heat stroke does occur cool your pup down as much as possible and get him or her to the Vet ASAP

Click on the link for additional tips and cautions. Stay cool out there….