Acupuncture May Be Another Modality To Treat PTSD In People And Pets

Acupuncture may help people with post traumatic stress disorder according to a recent clinical trial. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)…

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Is It Arthritis Or Is It The Water..

Skeletal Fluorosis is a painful, debilitating disease caused by a build up of fluoride in the body. Early stages are…

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Second Hand Smoke Effects People and Pets

If you are a smoker keep a close eye on your pets for respiratory symptoms from sneezing to coughing to…

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Apparently Crazy Cat Ladies Are On To Something….

So According to this study cat owners are 40%  less likely to die from heart attacks than those who had…

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Do You Or Your Neighbors Have Cocoa Mulch In Your Garden? It Smells Great But Is Very Toxic For Your Pets…

It is becoming common knowledge that Cocoa Mulch is toxic to pets , not only is it high in Theobromine,…

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Great Explanation Regarding Kibble From A TCM Perspective

In (TCM) Traditional Chinese Medicine..there are several kinds of Qi that run through the body. Gu-Qi is your nutritive Qi…

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Summer Is Here.. Do You Know The Signs Of Heatstroke.. It Could Save Your Pets Life

So it is Summer, and you and your pup are going to go hiking, walking, running and having all sorts…

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St36 A Great Point For Pets And People With Lung Issues

This is another interesting evidence based study. I use St36  frequently  in my practice; the initial reason is for…

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Using A Harness Is A Great Way To Keep Your Dog Safe, Happy And Healthy

This is a great article and should be taken seriously. Collars are very fashionable and should be used for identification,…

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